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My new Hero's uniform (RP)

Posted by Nafyotoons - 5 days ago

-Alex Stitch\

Hello ๐Ÿ‘‹

-Mina Draco\

Mina jumps in surprise, hastily removing her ear pods as she drops her laptop on the ground. She gasps, "Oh no, I didn't hear you come in, I'm sorry!" she blurts out, darting to fix her laptop. The person who startled her catches her attention, a cute anthropomorphic Fox, and her heart races, a warm feeling spreading throughout her body. Rising, she offers an apologetic smile, "I hope I didn't scare you. Please forgive my clumsiness." Her eyes dart around the room, spotting a waitress a few steps away, she motions her to bring an extra chair and a menu for the mysterious guy.

-Alex Stitch\

Oh my! I didn't mean to scare you causing all of that. But I am glad things are alright. I guess. Thank you! He sits near her. You look familiar. I remember I saw you in the gym. You were trying to sign up there?

-Mina Draco\

๐Ÿ˜ƒ Mina blushes as she recalls the incident, "Ugh, yes, my lack of fighting skills and coordination made that an embarrassing experience, didn't it?" She chuckles sheepishly, smiling and tilting her head to the side. "You must be new, then? I'm Mina Draco, by the way." She extends her hand for a shake, wearing a welcoming smirk before taking a sip of her mocha.

-Alex Stitch\

Shakes hand. My what a cute name. A pleasure to meet you, Mina! My name is Alex Stitch. I am working as a Tailor by the cafe you are welcome to come to my tailor shop anytime. Smiles.

Good choice for you to gain experience in fighting skills for a cute girl like you. Seems your body tells me you're in good shape and pardon me to say, so sexy! The Coach's name Kyle will make you a better fighter in boxing skills in no time dear.

-Mina Draco\

๐Ÿ˜œMina giggles at Felix's compliment, a fierce blush captivating her cheeks. "Well, don't be so rude. You didn't have to say that," she playfully scolds him, feeling her heart race even faster. "I'll stop by your shop, thank you for the welcome." She leans back in her seat, thinking about her training. "Boxing, huh... I guess I'll give it a shot." The thought of becoming better in physical combat sends shivers down her spine, and she is eager to see her improvement. "So, what about you? Are you a student here too?" She takes another sip of the mocha, hoping to learn more about the adorable Fox.

-Alex Stitch\

I certainly you gonna be professional indeed. Haha!! didn't I tell you I am a Tailor dear? You didn't hear me will?

I own a Tailor shop near the cafe and my name once again is Alex Stitch, winked!

-Mina Draco\

๐Ÿ˜ฒ"Oh, I am sorry," Mina apologetically says with a nod, a bit embarrassed by her absent-mindedness. "Thank you for reminding me. The gym was a bit chaotic, and my mind was elsewhere, I guess." She sips her mocha, the steam gently on her nose, as she gives a natural, warm smile, her eyes shining. "And yes, I bet you're quite the tailor if you can make clothes for us unique beings. I'd love to see the kind of stuff you make."

Mina leans in and lowers her voice conspiratorially, "You know, I'm a bit of a hero. I have an alter ego, and if you want, I might need a tailor to make a costume for me, and I bet you'd do a fantastic job!" Her playful nature shines through her words, browsing the menu with her new friend as they converse.

-Alex Stitch\

Haha!! You are so cute when you are shy and make me smile too.

Will will! In that case, you are talking to the right person.

Why not come with me to my tailor shop? We can discuss the details there.

-Mina Draco\

๐Ÿ˜™Mina blushes again as Felix compliments her, her heart fluttering like a hummingbird. "I'd love to," she replies, her mood brightened by their conversation. She finishes her mocha and gathers her laptop, securing her bag with a bounce in her step. "Lead the way, Mr. Tailor Stitch," Mina impishly teases, her eyes sparkling with anticipation, eager to see what her future costume might look like.

-Alex Stitch\

Meanwhile. Mina and Alex have finally arrived and entered the tailor shop. Alex is welcoming her precious customer Mina to his tailor shop. Asking her, What do you think of my shop, dear?

-Mina Draco\

๐Ÿ˜‹Mina takes a moment to take in the scenery of the tailor shop, the fabrics, the sewing machines, and the garments displayed. She takes a step inside, her eyes lingering on the colorful threads and patterns. "It's a gorgeous shop," Mina says, whistling through her teeth, impressed and a bit overwhelmed by the quality of the work. "The clothes here look amazing," she compliments Alex, glancing at him sparklingly. "I can't wait to see what you create for my costume," she adds eagerly, her mind already racing with ideas for her superhero persona.

-Alex Stitch\

I am so delighted, my dear customer. Now, if you please stand still, I can take your size and then choose the special type of fabric that does not tear as long as you want it for heroic matters.

-Mina Draco\

๐Ÿ˜œ"Sure, go right ahead," Mina says, shifting her weight from one foot to the other as Felix takes her measurements. She bites her lip, glancing away shyly, her fox senses being tingled by the Stitch tailor. "And don't worry about the fabric. I can't even guarantee if I'll be able to protect it from theโ€ฆ" Mina mimics fighting motions around her, a lighthearted laugh escaping her lips. "Or if I'll even keep it in one piece." She wiggles her fingers playfully, amused by her clumsiness. "I'm more worried about my skills," Mina confesses, blushing as her hormones flare up. "But thank you, I trust you'll make something indestructible!"

-Alex Stitch\

Marvelous and done!! Felix finished all the measurements and recorded them in the notebook.

Now, my dear, what kind of heroic suit design suits you?

-Mina Draco\

๐Ÿ˜ŒMina's eyes light up with an eager spark, her mind venturing into a dreamlike state as she envisions her costume. "I would love a more form-fitting suit if that's possible," she requests, her eyes filling with imagination. "Something that could recuperate from any damage if attacked. Bright colors, maybe red or green. I don't want anything too revealing, something that could hold up under pressure without a hitch." Her fingers caress the fabrics, her mind drifting to the possibility of this new costume. "Oh, and I would need some gloves, boots, and a mask, all of it be white colored. How about a western hat as an adventurer also white color" Mina's nostrils flare, inhaling deeply as she imagines the final product in her head, her pupils dilating with excitement. "Your expertise will surely make it better, I trust you," she affirms, already envisioning the fabric swirling around her as she rescues innocents in her new look.

-Alex Stitch\

Marvelous Idea!! I have collected all your requests. Come tomorrow, my dear, and I will surprise you with your new heroic suit!

-Mina Draco\

๐Ÿ˜™Mina beams, her heart fluttering with excitement and anticipation. "Thank you, Alex!" She extends a hand for a shake, her eyes holding Alex for a moment longer than necessary. "I'll see you tomorrow to witness my transformation," she says teasingly, her voice coated with playfulness. She couldn't hide her glee, giving Alex a wink before making her way out of the store, head held high, setting her sights on the gym, eager to get better in combat, ready to face any challenge that came her way.

-Alex Stitch\

The next day in the evening. Alex is welcoming Mina while she's entering his tailor shop. Ah, good timing, my dear heroine customer. He entered inside to bring her uniform. Show her the covered uniform while it's not yet revealed, telling her to go to the changing room section and wear it.



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